Penney Company A Nntion-Wtde Institution Crcpc-dc-Chime Waists Another erras shipment of duten in today. Six styles, all wanted shade, sum with collars, others plain round neck, llvautifil designs, all sites to 4(1. Photo Albums And Stunt Books Two Big New Lines COME IN AND SEE THEM Fred Dawson The Rcxull Store $3.98 HAVE YOU SEEN OR WORN A "KABO" Stenographers Corset? NOt You do not Mod to bo a stenographer to enjoy tho romforta of thia model It hat a medium butt with elastic insert and the irradiating front stays end at the waist line, leaving the top soft Not heavily stayed, making it a very good corset for summer wear. Mad of pink coutil in sites for the normal figure $1M a pair Coma in well be pleased to show you this model or our other live models. A live model for every type of figure.
Prices ranging from to I4.00 a pair. Live Model Brassieres Ranging in prices from to $1.00 Flood's Store 134 Wert First St. All you want Silk Dress Skirts We have them In strles and plaids, in rich colorings and designs. Only o.iH. I7.W.
IH.W. 111.50 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo CITY NEW 8 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo1 Visits Brothei Incorporated Geo. Wheeler, a former Linn county boy, arrived at noon today from Lebanon on his way bark to his home in Portland. Mr. Wheeler a brother of A.
D. Wheeler of Albany. Kt turns From Visiting Daughter Mrs. E. F.
Lyons of Lyons returned this noon from Portland where she hail been visiting her two daugh J. C. I'enney Company A Nation Wide -4iniUit ion The home Mondri from a few Hi days' visit with her parents of Plain-view, Mr. and Mrs. W.
II. Anderson. Brownsville Merchant Here Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Stannard of lirowni'Ville were registered at the Albany Hotel yesterday. Mr. Stannard is one of the pioneer merchants cf Brownsville. To Care for Her Father Mrs.
E. Short of Dallas return ters for a few days. Mrs. Lyons has been a rtrident of Eastern Linn county sine, 1R7S, which means 40 years. Baby Boy Bora A baby boy was born Monday night to Dr.
and Mrs. George J. Kenagy. Mother and baby both doing nicely. Returned from Portland Mrs.
Arthur Pslmer and daughter Brunswick We will exchange a New Brunswick Phonograph with New Records far a good Used Piano. Realty Canadian Lands LOANS AND INSURANCE Geo. Taylor ferae of Seconal sad Brwsaalbta Bell 811; Hobm l7t VIERECK'S BATHS SHAVING IIAIRCITTINC RAZORS HONKD AND SCT Open 7 a m. to 7 p. m.
Satur-day 10 p. at. Corner First a4 Ellsworth Street. I ri ii Mr. Farmer We are now selecting our Seed Grain stock for next year from the growing crop.
If you have a choice tract of Barley, Wheat, Oats, Rye, Millet, Spelt or any grain, please phone us. We will call and examine the grain and contract with you for the crop. We will pay a substantial premium above the price of grain, whatever that price may be at the time you care to make set ed home Momioy to prepare to move Helen returned home Saturds ni.ig from Portland where they have fr' 'u 'V' Willinnia. who his reside! on farm been visiting. They were accompanied home by Mr.
Palmer, who spent the weekend here and returned to Port land last night. Kenedy Passes Through- Woodworth Drug Co. eight miles southeast of Albany. Mr. Williams is seriously ill and it la the purpose of hit daughter to care for him the remainder of his life.
Klk Meet Tomorrow Night Loral lodge B. P. 0. Elks will hold 'high jinks' tomorrow night when about 20 candidates will be Initiated. Newport members of the lodge are Kennith Kenedy a former Albanv boy paired thru the city yesterday on a trip South from Portland with some horses to do some fancy riding for a round up.
Mr. Kenedy is reported to be coming and will bring with them sev-eral of the candidates. A iarge attendance of the Albany members Is very much desired. tlement. Call us up.
MURPHY'S Seed Store No odd cent prices to fool you Every pair of shoes in store on displsy and marked In plain figures both price and site and priced Iras the coat of clerks' salary, llatrfoot Sandals and Play Oxford. They cost the same and WE SELL THEM for the asm. price. I to 6 M.7S 1-2 to II 15 1-2 to 11 1145 It 1-2 to 2 fl.tS All 25e POLISHES and DYES tie All 10c POLISHES 2 for ISc 4 4 black J.ACES 3 pair 0e r1 Inch lace Now On Sale LOOK TOR THE RED BALL one ofthe best riders on the coast and has successfully demonstrated his ability on many occasions. Grants Pass Visitor-Mrs.
O. P. Oliver of Grants Pass was an Alhany visitor Monday on her ret lm as a delegate to the Women's Relief Corps of the Grand Army held at The Dilles. Mis. Oliver is also to visit relatives r.c Brownsville, her former home.
Returns to Joseph Mrs- John was an Albany visitor today on her return from Leb- TRADE. MARK "Modem' Every pair of our 1919 Spring Oxfords in Black and Brown. Thia includes our new Suedes and Satins. See our Windows. fireartu 6 Ammunition Growing Girls' Medium heel lac.
Oxfords in black kid or brown side. Sizes 3 to 8, widths AA, and and D. Price i anon to her home at Joseph, Wallowa county. Mrs. Wetel is a niece of Wctproof- LI ELF ERVICE HOE John Kei'l of I t.
ai.nn. Visits Parents Mrs. J. D. of Canby re.
baHCaVasWaaw $4.95 TORE Every pair fitted with our usual care. 117 BroadalMn Street A LOCAL INSTITUTION KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME McDowell Shoe Co Jack Tar Middies Of ul vor Summer Comfort GLOBES! TODAY ONLY $7fio aff-year-round soft drink Dome was not built in a BeWs popularity became countrywide hv three months because of five years prepare ation in perfecting the beverage. jeerer4e- Fomiliti lufplltd i and drain. Vitilart arc in'ifdto Impoct ourplanfr ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS A Modern Husband Comedy Pathe THURSDAY-FRIDAY Leave It To Susan FOR VAOATION DAYS, and all other summer days, JACK TAR MIDDIES. The completeness of our assortment offers you tha very stylo you will want for thi, season.
Mid.lies in all white, wh.te with 1.1 je trim of self material, or blue flannel. Many of tsylea are In regulation cut. Priced Comedy rtlumnucr lloch. WhoIeMle IH.trllilr PORTLAND. OR Kinogrom iine new "7 7-1 1.95 to 2.95 Stiir Trmisfir Al.tUVY.